Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I know..I know...

I know I say this often...but I really wish it was Christmas. Here in Maryland, the allergy season has been extremely brutal! With a severe winter, comes a unbearable summer. We have had an abnormal amount of rain this spring and that means more "thriving plants". Which in turn means un-happy mandys statewide!!!

That being said, my husband found me this tiny orchid plant. I have a history of, shall we say, assisting plants in a quick and untimely death. I know that a "standard" orchid plant would stand no chance under my caring so he though this "mini" would do quite nicely. It helps that orchids are hypoallergenic!!!

Aren't husbands like mine so wonderful?!?!?!?!?

1 comment:

  1. So funny about wanting it to be winter... Im not so sure about winter but I wouldnt mind fall! ha ha!

    What a sweet gift!


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