Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Failure, Meet Success

I have accomplished some great things this month, and failed miserably at others. Life is so painful busy at times that is just becomes too easy to blame it on that. No more excuses! I swear!!!

I did NOT lose any weight this month
I did NOT blog more
I did NOT retake my permit test
and I did NOT get my face cleared :(

I DID however de-cutter my life a bit and it was very liberating!
Drum roll please..........................most importantly I DID become a certified groomer!!!!!!!! I finished my 100 dogs, took my test and PASSED!!!!! Above is my favorite groom dog EVER and I want a Cavalier soooooooo bad!!!!

So......here's to a more productive week than last and love those you have because you never know when your last day will be


  1. Yay! That's great to hear! Its only January so you have some time in the new year to accomplish everything ^___^

  2. Ugh! I'm so jealous! I still am in love with your background. lol :P
    Congrats on becoming an official groomer!!! Don't sweat the entire list. You got something done for yourself and that's what is important! Way to go!


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