Friday, September 18, 2009

15 down....too many to go!

I have officially lost 15lbs!!!!!! I now have a heart rate monitor and am more conscious of keeping my heart rate withing a training mode!!!!! I am hoping to lose at least 10 more by October 1st so we will see!!!!!

I am enjoying my three day weekend so far!!! Laundry, dusting, vacuuming...all very intriguing tasks *rolls eyes* but I am REALLY looking forward to going out with my husband tonight! We are going to Tyson's Corner and out to eat! I can't wait!!!!! Hopefully tennis tomorrow! It has been too long since we have played!!!



  1. GREAT JOB on the 15lbs!! That is WONDERFUL!!! Have fun tonight!

  2. Great job!! I am impressed! Love ya! Jennie Walter

  3. Good job, Mandy! Keep up the good work!


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