Monday, September 7, 2009

Puppy Love

I had the privilege of washing the cutest little lab puppy I have ever seen! He was better behaved than some of my older "clients"!!!!!! I did 6 pawdicures (nail trimming, nail grinding, and ear cleaning) today on top of my four regular baths and boy am I pooped! By the way, if you have a Pet Perks card, now is a perfect time to get a pawdicure. A pawdicure normally costs $19 but with your PP card, it is only $8. Nail trimming alone is $9 seperately, so it is quite a bargin!!!!!!!

Yesterday was our church picnic. Needless to say it was pouring by the time we ate and it was moved to the basement. We still had great food and fellowship!!

Our good friends Darla (Webb) and Hollis Hillman are starting their new church, Freedom Baptist Church, in Front Royal, VA on Sunday the 13th and I urge anyone in that area to check it out. They are amazing people who love the Lord with all their hearts and are so on fire for God. We look forward to seeing their church grow and prosper.

I hope everyone enjoyed their Labor Day holiday. I got to spend mine soaking wet and smelling like dog, but had a GREAT time when I got home. Julio did chores around the house for me and cooked dinner! What a truly amazing husband I have!!!!!



  1. Darla and her hubby has been coming to our church faithfully every Wednesday night for a while now! I'm excited for them...btw, I love reading your blog...keep it up! :)

  2. Awwww A Lab! Our is really so sweet too! Other than uncontrollable bodily functions on his part... I do love him! ha ha! Glad you get some nice sweet dogs in the mix of the muzzled ones! ha ha!


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