Friday, September 25, 2009

Mistletoe Madness

Last week we went to a really nice Yankee Candle shop in Virginia. They have their seasonal candles out already and they had my absolute favorite candle scent ever. I look forward to it every year! MISTLETOE!!!!!!! We couldn't get one then, but that was okay since it really is only September. Guess what he brought home for me today?!?!?!?! Yup a big jar candle of Mistletoe scented candle!! I love him so much!!!!

IT"S FRIDAY!!!!!!!! We just got back from shopping! I had to get a dress for family pictures tomorrow and needed an eyebrow wax....that was interesting, but another story for another day....short version though...she got WAX IN MY HAIR!!!! Then Juli took me to Red Lobster where they are having their endless shrimp special!!!

Next week we travel to Maine so I am cleaning like a mad woman. I get soooooo far behind during the week that on Friday I have way too much to do! Anyways, I can't wait to see everyone! That will be a serious blog post when it comes down to it!!!!

Enjoy your weekend!


1 comment:

  1. Awwww How sweet about the candle! So thoughtful! I LOVE yankee candles! My absolute favorites!! How fun Maine is coming up... Hope you have soooo much fun! Cant wait to see pics!


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