Saturday, July 11, 2009

50th Seaon

Some of my greatest joys in life come from the New England Patriots. I will never forget their first Superbowl win. I believe God used that to build my faith in Him. I know it sounds crazy but it is true. For my 17th birthday, I made a "wish" on my candles that they would win the coveted championship. From that day on, I fervently prayed that God would allow them to win. (What other major needs does a 17 year old have LOL) I even had it as an unspoken on the prayer list ( so HA to those who prayed unknowingly for them to win :P) God answered the prayers of a silly teenager if not for any other purpose than to prove He gives you the desires of your heart. That was my first major faith-building experience. Yes I have heard that God doesn't "route" for teams, but it was something that changed my life. Hey if He can use something so little to most, imagine what He does for us when it is something we need!

That said, 33 days until kickoff and I am so stolked to see Tom Brady return!!!!!



  1. Just ask Julio for a real dollar for every glass of water! That would be great! LOL

  2. You just gave me the best laugh of my day!


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