Monday, July 13, 2009

Someone Special

Yesterday was a very dear friends birthday! *I am the friend WHO remembers birthdays hahahah* Nicole is such a special person to me. She was a friend in good times and bad, a friend when I wasn't friend worthy, and faithful to this day. I practically lived at her house during high school and there were many things she helped me with even when she didn't know it.
Cole is one of the sweetest ladies you will ever meet! I have known her since she was 12 and each year brings a new found appreciation for such a faithful friend.
So Cole, if you are reading this, which I am sure you are because the Unimind signals have been strong, I appreciate you so much more now than ever before, even though we are all grown up and leading separate lives. you will always be one of my best friends. The Mtn. to my Dew, the Cabin to my Fever and all those other great things that we loved so much. May the penguins and hippos bless you with showers of sneezes!!!!!



  1. What a sweet tribute to a great gal. I love you, Nicole!!

    So......does Nicole forget birthdays? ;)

    Love, Jennie Walter

  2. LOL...Nicole is notorious for forgetting MY birthday! Kind of a running joke!

  3. She grew up to become a beautiful lady! Great pics! Hope Nicole has a wonderful birthday!!


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