Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Rocky Turns 5!!!!

Five years ago today, my "baby" kitty was born. Rockery Binx. When we got him he was only 4 weeks old. He still needed to be bottle fed! I had never had a cat before but I loved him the moment we saw him. I felt like a new parent bringing home a newborn. I didn't sleep much that night because I kept waking up to make sure he was still breathing :P Plus he needed to be fed and was not litter box trained. He would curl up on me and suck on the ring of my t-shirt...something he still does to this day!!!!
Rocky is our closeted mamma's boy. He weighs in at 20.4 lbs and is a fighter just like his namesake. Rocky does not like to be held or petted unless he feels like it and usually only by mommy. Whenever he wakes up from either nightime sleep or nap sleep, I am required to sit down and snuggle him until he wakes up, he stalks me and cries until I do!
He is our alley cat that is for sure. Most cats when they are scarred, they run away. Not Rocky! He faces challenges head on, claws and teeth barred. He once attacked a police officer. It was quite a sight to see a full grown man running from a cat!
He is my snuggle bug. I can always count on him to interrupt my laptop time. He thinks that lap belongs to him! He enjoys laying on top of my books when I read and can always be counted on to steal my hair ties!

In honor of his birthday, I made Mrs. Alexander's chocolate eclair cake. Any excuse for cake is good enough for me. AND he can have pudding so it is a win-win situation!!!!

We love you Rocky and Happy Birthday!!!!



  1. So cute! He is a big boy!! Funny about following you around until you snuggle with him!

  2. And ANY excuse is good enough for Mrs. Alexander's eclair cake!!

    Happy birthday, Rocky!


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