Friday, July 17, 2009

Monday is the day

Julio and I decided that we would have what we call "Blow Out Week". We said instead of getting our regular groceries, we would get all of our take-out cravings out of the way. That is because Monday is the start date of our hardcore diet and exercise plan.....again LOL. It always works best when both of us are on it and Julio needed another week to get mentally prepared. So, Monday.........losing weight becomes number one goal again! Wish me luck! My goal is 2 lbs a week which is very attainable for me. We also have to get back in shape to be able to just survive our P90X workout system, so lots of cardio coming up. Oh Joy! Cardio is my second least favorite workout. Push-ups being my absolute least favorite activity!!!! I am so ready for this!

1 comment:

  1. Oh that week sounds yum!!!! You can do it girl! And Im with you... I GOTTA get back to eating good! Phew what a daily battle!

    Keep up posted on your success!!! And LOVE the cartoon!! Gotta try that! ha ha!


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