Monday, August 10, 2009

Splish Splash!

God is so wonderful! He scoops us up just when we think we can't go any lower. He waits till we are at the edge of our faith, then makes everything all worth the while. Yesterday I had my interview at PetSmart. It could not have gone better! I showed up almost a half hour early (not intentionally but I am a compulsive early bird when it comes to appts.) and it was perfect timing. They told me on Friday that they might have trouble working around my transportation problems; Sunday that wasn't even an issue. I expected to have to wait a couple of weeks until I could start; I start next Monday. I went into this job expecting nothing more than minimum wage; I am starting out at a higher pay rate than my previous job!!! God's hand was all over this.

So as of Monday, August 17th, I will be an official PetSmart Dog Bather. And in 6 months, if I wanted to, I could go on to the grooming school program and start making even more.

A big blessing as well is I got all the brochures for online Interior Design schools. I think I have narrowed it down to two. Both would give me a B.S. degree which really appeals to me. I cannot wait to start all of these new adventures!!!

NOTE: Jennie: I am so glad you felt loved! You truly are a special lady and I am glad that I could brighten your day, even in the smallest of ways!!!!

Cole: I watched Muppet Christmas Carol yesterday and missed you so much!!!


  1. I'm so happy for you! I hope you love the job! I wouldn't mind doing stuff like that, but I have a rough time with the sneezing and wheezing when around certain dogs and cats! I applied to work the stock-room at PetSmart!

  2. That job sounds so cool and a lot of work! You'll have to blog about your adventures with the lovely animals.
    I am interested in what it would be like to do that job. I love dogs! Please update us when you start!


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